Unsere Projekte
Die Sylvia und Reinhard Bachofen-Stiftung fördert Bildung und Forschung in Umweltwissenschaften, Naturschutz und Gesundheit durch die Unterstützung junger Studierender und Forscher. Unsere Stiftung vergibt Stipendien an Studierende aus Drittwelt- und Schwellenländern, die an schweizerischen Hochschulen studieren möchten. Wir fördern auch junge Schweizer Forscher durch die Unterstützung von gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten.
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen aus früheren Partnerschaften, die nicht durch die Stiftung unterstützt wurden:
Çullaj, A., Miho, A., Baraj B., Hasko, A,, Bachofen, R., Brandl, H., Schanz, F. (2003): Preliminary water quality report for some Albanian rivers. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Special Issue: 5-11
Cullaj, A., A. Hasko, A. Miho, F. Schanz, H. Brandl and R. Bachofen: The quality of Albanian natural waters and the human impact. Environmental International 31, 133-146, 2005
Miho. A., A. Cullaj, A. Hasko, P. Lazo, L. Kupe, R. Bachofen, H. Brandl, F. Schanz, B. Baraj: Environmental state of some rivers of the Albanian Adriatic Lowland. Tirana, 235 p. (printed report of the SCOPES project 2002-2005, in Albanian language with English summaries).
Kupe, L., Schanz, F., R. Bachofen (2008) Biodiversity in the benthic diatom community in the upper river Töss reflected in water quality indices. CLEAN 36, 84-91.
Oguttu, H.W., Bugenyi, F.W.B., Leuenberger, H., Wolf, M., Bachofen, R. (2008) Pollution menacing Lake Victroia: Quantification of point sources around Jinja town, Uganda. Water SA 34, 89-98.
Cullaj, A., Duka, S., Emiri, A., Koni, E., Miho, A., Murtaj, B., Shumka, S., Bachofen, R., Schanz, F., Brandl, H. (2011) Limnological study on a newly built drinking water reservoir near Tirana, Albania. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 182 215-232. DOI 10.1007/s10661-010-1871-z
Shuka, L., Cullaj, A., Shumka, S., Miho, A., Duka, S., Bachofen, R. (2011) The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Limnological Properties of Bovilla Reservoir (Albania). Water Resources Management 25, 3027-3039.
Zhori, A., Meco, M., Brandl, H., Bachofen, R. (2015) In situ chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics as a tool to quantify effects on photosynthesis in Euphorbia cyparissias by a parasitic infection of the rust fungus Uromyces pisi. BMC Research Notes 8, 698.
Rexha, K., Kristi, B., Zyruku, D., Shuka, L., Husi, R., Schneller, J., Bachofen, R. (2020) Alpine ecology, plant diversity and photosynthetic performance of marker plants in a nitrogen gradient induced by Alnus bushes. BMC Ecology 20:23. Doi.org/10.1186/s12898.020-00292-9
Alameti, E., Cani, M., Nezaj, M., Selgjkaj, L., Schneller, J., Bachofen, R. (2021) The diversity of ferns and lycopods in Val Piora and measurements of ecological and physiological indicators on two widely distributed fern species at two different sites. . In: Pedruzzi, R., Bianconi, F. (eds.) Scienze alpine, la centralità di piora e del san gottardo. Bellinzona: Edizioni Centro Biologia Alpina di Piora, 53-72.
Shuka, D., Rredhi, A., Gurra, B., Bachofen, R. (2021) Photosynthetic activity of the lichen Xanthoria elegans in relation to the daily course of temperature and humidity, a field study in the Piora valley, Ticino, Switzerland. In: Pedruzzi, R., Bianconi, F. (eds.) Scienze alpine, la centralità di piora e del san gottardo. Bellinzona: Edizioni Centro Biologia Alpina di Piora, 73-84.
Sadriu Hoti, A., Hasaj, E., Ibrahimi, L., Heqimi, S., Schneller, J., Bachofen, R. (2023) Drought stress and the photosynthetic activity of peat moss measured by fast fluorescence in alpine peatlands. Trends Photobiol. Photochem. 21, 41-54.
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen, die durch die Stiftung unterstützt wurden:
Padilla, E.C., Giuliani, A., Kanniya, K.S., Heang, V.L., Sokchea, T., Hou, K., Gilliéron, J. (2025) Community engagement in the governance of Cambodian recreation forests. Forest Policy and Economics 170, 103386.